Growing up, I always knew that I would serve a mission. I knew that I would learn and grow and change people's lives. However, I never really understood the full impact of how my mission would change me and my perspective about everything. Serving in the NYNYN mission has done more for me than any experience I have ever had. Being on the Lord's errand has taught me more in two years than any school will ever be able to teach me.
Love has been a major key indicator throughout my whole mission. I understand it’s purpose. I know how much my Heavenly Father truly loves me. My love for the people here in New York has grown as I have served them with my whole soul. I have tried and tried my whole mission, and I will continue to try, to reflect that love unto His children. The power of the Savior's Atonement is the source of all change in my mission.
The Spirit has also been a major part of the refining process I have gone through in my mission. I have grown to a point that I never imagined, became someone who I never thought I could become. I have learned how to better recognize the promptings of the Spirit and make better choices. The Spirit has changed my prayers and bettered my relationship with the Father. It has accompanied me time and time again. It has taught me sacred things that I will never forget.
One very clear thing that I have learned and seen from these last few months is great blessings come from obedience, patience and hard work. My whole mission I have done my very best to follow the Lord's standard for His missionaries. I have worked as hard as I could and I believe I did all that I was able. I never saw a lot of success in terms of baptisms until the last few months of my mission. As I waited patiently, the Lord poured out His blessings in abundance. I understand that that was the Lord's way of teaching me. I could have given up, as it is very easy to do. I could have relaxed and taken the easy course. But I can see what blessings I would have missed!
The thing I am most grateful for is an increased understanding of our Heavenly Father's Plan. When I was younger I thought I had it all figured out. Now I realize how much I was missing. I know where I stand in the eyes of the Lord. I know my purpose, why I am here and where I am going. I know! I have realized that everything, literally everything, kindles down to that same purpose; To one day become like Him.
My Heavenly Father has truly blessed me with a rich and wonderful experience. I with a clear conscience can say I did my best and I have no regrets. I came here to serve my Heavenly Father and He has blessed me hundred fold. I can never repay Him all that He has given me and blessed me with. He has shown me greater love than I ever thought possible.
I found a few great quotes I wanted share. Bruce McConkie said, “One of the most solemn oaths ever given to man is found in these words of the Lord relative to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon. ‘He (meaning Joseph Smith) has translated the book, even that part which I have commanded him,’ saith the Lord, ‘and as your Lord your God liveth it is true.’ (D&C 17:6) This is God’s testimony of the Book of Mormon. In it Deity himself has laid his godhood on the line. Either the book is true or god ceases to be God. There neither is nor can be any more formal or powerful language known to men or gods.” (Bruce R. McConkie, CR, April 1982, p. 50) “Take away the Book of Mormon,” said Joseph Smith, “and the revelations, and where is our religion? We have none.” (Teachings, p. 71) The pen of man knows no more perfect witness of God and Christ, of the Atonement, of the manner by which sins are remitted or of these doctrines that lead us back to the divine presence than the Book of Mormon. (Joseph Fielding McConkie & Robert Millet)
Jesus Christ is my Savior. Joseph Smith is the prophet of the Restoration. The Book of Mormon is the keystone to our religion. It was brought forth through the prophet Joseph Smith. I have gained a strong testimony of its converting power. I know the importance of the message we share. It is the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am so grateful for the wonderful people in this mission who have changed my life. I stand all amazed at the love He has for me. I know with all my heart that this is His true church, and I bear that testimony in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Elder Sorensen
First day
Elder Sorensen's Current Mission Address:
My address is:
Just send everything to the office, where you send packages. I live right by the office and go there every week.
Mission Home Address:
New York, New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Packages should be sent to the mission home address to keep our elders safe.
Just send everything to the office, where you send packages. I live right by the office and go there every week.
Mission Home Address:
New York, New York North Mission
700 White Plains Road Suite 315
Scarsdale, NY 10583
Packages should be sent to the mission home address to keep our elders safe.
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1. Feel free to comment to our boy by using the comments listed directly below the post. When he comes home, I'm sure he would love to go back over all of his letters and read the comments that others added to encourage him. All you have to do is click on the
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2. In most cases, the names will be changed to prevent too much personal information from getting out.
Thanks for reading his letters. I'm sure he would love to know how many people ARE reading and how much we all love him and what work he's doing!
0 Comments (or sometimes it lists how many there are).
2. In most cases, the names will be changed to prevent too much personal information from getting out.
Thanks for reading his letters. I'm sure he would love to know how many people ARE reading and how much we all love him and what work he's doing!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hey everyone, I'm back! It is great to be home and with the family again. Thank you for all of the support and strength you have given me. My parents and I had a great week in NYC and were able to see and do a lot of fun things. We mostly focused on seeing many of my recent converts and families I taught. The highlight of the week was on Thursday when Arelis was baptized. Her husband and son, who were baptized earlier this year, were also there. I spent a lot of time teaching them last year and it was great to see them all. On Friday night we attended a wedding for a member and one of my investigators. They asked my companion and I to be witnesses. Mom and Dad didn't understand much of the baptism ceremony or the wedding as they were all in Spanish but they got to meet many of the special people I worked with during the two years. We also won lottery tickets to see Wicked. It was a great show and we were really lucky to win the tickets. We didn't do much as far as touristy stuff but we did go to Chinatown. Mom didn't like that too much.
The mission has really blessed my life and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I had to serve. Heavenly Father has really blessed my life as I've served Him. I am so grateful for all of you and for the strength you have given me to keep going. I have prayed for all of you and I will continue to do so.
If you want to contact me my email address is I don't have a cell phone yet but will soon. I will be heading off to Provo at the end of the month and in January I will continue my studies at BYU Idaho to become an accountant. I have enclosed my final letter to my mission president if you want to read it.
I hope you all have a great week and I wish you the best. Thanks again.
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