Sorry this is so late getting to you. It's been a crazy day here. One last request for your favorite scripture. I'm sending Christmas packages to Daniel and Griffin on Monday. K.
Hey family,
Well it was a good thanksgiving and a fun week. We got to go see the big Macy's day parade which was really cool. The weather has actually been really nice here, it's really weird but it hasn't got very cold yet. For Thanksgiving we ate with our ward mission leader and his family which was fun. We also ate with another family that night, I can't eat as much as I used to!
Nothing too exciting has been going on, just a lot of working. We met with the stake president last week to talk about all of the wards which was pretty cool. The stake president here is amazing; he came and spoke to the mission once a while ago. He is very missionary minded and does a lot to help us.
I went on a split with one of the elders in the zone yesterday in my area and we ended up finding 5 news and taught 7 lessons! It was a really good example day for that elder and a big booster for me. It was especially good because I still don't know the area very well but we got around ok. We cover a large area but luckily have full metro. Our zone goes down to 110th so we cover a good chunk of Manhattan. I've spent some time in Harlem and I'm pretty glad I'm not there, it's kind of crazy down there.
We had interviews with president on Monday which was also great. Elder Swan and I got to spend a good chunk of time with him talking about the zone. As always he did a great job of boosting my self esteem in telling me how "great" I am. I still don't believe him. I am really grateful for his leadership and help with everything.
We are still teaching D*ra and her son D*rius who should be baptized on the 12th. They are a sweet family and going to make great members. The Church is going to be able to help them out a lot and they have already started seeing the effects. We are also teaching this really cool family who was referred to us by a member. They haven't come to church yet, but they've been going through a move and a lot of other things but the lessons we have had with them have been really great.
We also found this really cool guy named R*ben through street contacting. It was a great testimony to me of street contacting because my last street contact of the night ended up being our first new the next day. He didn't look like the typical guy you would think would accept but now that we are teaching him he is really cool.
Our zone is doing a great job finding people but we are really lacking on people with a date. Our zone only has 5 people with a baptismal date and elder Swan and I have three of them. The fourth was also found by us, so at least we are setting the example but we are going to try and fix that.
Well I hope everyone has a great week and wish me luck as I continue to work hard. December is the one of the best times of the mission because of the holidays and so I am looking forward to having a good time. Thanks for everything and I wish you all the best!
Elder Sorensen
PS: happy birthday Nick!
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